Ortofon Ortofon Slipmat Digital - Pair
Ā "VINYL IS THE NEW DIGITAL" slipmat High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Provides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl. Made out of a smooth but strong material Unique matte surface Far more resistant to dust and other particles Extra thin and provide optimum feel for DJs Comes in pairs packaged inside a sleeve Awesome logo design developed in collaboration with DJ ND andĀMaxime Bouchat Graphic Designer Blue Marine Productions Associes.
Ortofon Ortofon Slipmat DJ - Pair
DJs ARE THE NEW ROCKSTARS slipmat High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Ideal for scratching andĀturntablists. Provides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl. Made out of a smooth but strong material Unique matte surface Far more resistant to dust and other particles Extra thin and provide optimum feel for DJs Comes in pairs packaged inside a sleeve Awesome logo design developed in collaboration with DJ ND andĀMaxime Bouchat Graphic Designer Blue Marine Productions Associes.
Ortofon Ortofon Slipmat Mix - Pair
CAUSE I CAN DO IT IN THE MIX slipmat High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Ideal for scratching andĀturntablists.ĀProvides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl. Made out of a smooth but strong material Unique matte surface Far more resistant to dust and other particles Extra thin and provide optimum feel for DJs Comes in pairs packaged inside a sleeve Awesome logo design developed in collaboration with DJ ND andĀMaxime Bouchat Graphic Designer Blue Marine Productions Associes.
Ortofon Ortofon Slipmat Scratch - Pair
What is a DJ if he can't SCRATCH slipmat High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Ideal for scratching andĀturntablists. Provides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl. Made out of a smooth but strong material Unique matte surface Far more resistant to dust and other particles Extra thin and provide optimum feel for DJs Comes in pairs packaged inside a sleeve Awesome logo design developed in collaboration with DJ ND andĀMaxime Bouchat Graphic Designer Blue Marine Productions Associes.
Ortofon Ortofon Slipmat VNL - Pair
In ViNyL we trust slipmat High quality 12" professional grade slipmat. Ideal for scratching andĀturntablists.ĀProvides durability and will not scuff or damage vinyl. Made out of a smooth but strong material Unique matte surface Far more resistant to dust and other particles Extra thin and provide optimum feel for DJs Comes in pairs packaged inside a sleeve
Ortofon Ortofon stylus brush fibre
Ortofon fibre brush for cleaning the stylus Use Ortofon Stylus fiber brush a few times along the cantilever in the direction of the stylus tip whenever you play a new record or change sides. Use the brush in the forward direction from the rear of the cartridge towards the stylus tip and never from stylus tip to the rear of the cartridge and never from side to side. Following this treatment there will normally be no need for further stylus cleaning.
Ortofon Ortofon Stylus Pressure Gauge Scale
Stylus pressure gaugeScale The Ortofon tracking force gauge is a simple budget tool for turntables that is used to determine the stylus tracking force. The tracking force is the downward pressure that is applied by the weight of the tonearm through the cartridge stylus and onto the vinyl record. It is important to set the proper tracking force in order to maximize the playback performance and to reduce the risk of mistracking or causing excessive record wear. Check for the manufacturers recommended settings for your stylus tracking force. The Ortofon tracking force gauge tool is a small plastic pivot type scale that will accurately measure tracking force between 1.25 g and 4 g. The Ortofon stylus force gauge is simple to use: 1. Very gently rest the cartridge stylus (needle) into the grooved guide track at the desired tracking force marking. 2. Next adjust the counter-weight or tonearm pressure dials until the Ortofon pivot scale is in balance. The scale on the force gauge is marked in gram.
Ortofon Ortofon Stylus protection covers mk1
The stylus protection guard helps to limit stylus damage if the cartridge accidentally slides across a record or if the cartridge is dropped onto the record. The protection caps come in pairs. Ā To fit Concorde Mk1 and OM cartridges.
Ortofon Ortofon Stylus protection covers mk2
The stylus protection guard helps to limit stylus damage if the cartridge accidentally slides across a record or if the cartridge is dropped onto the record. The protection caps come in pairs. Ā To fit Concorde Mk2 cartridges.
Ortofon Ortofon VNL Cartridge Standard
The Ortofon VNL featuresĀExtra resistance to hardcore scratching and back spinning as well asĀHigh tracking performance for both DVS usage and real vinyl.Ā The VNL also features optimal balance of output and of sound quality with some great technological improvements likeĀultrasonic welding of the components ensures high rigidity and freedom from resonances. The robotic assembly of stylus assembly offers high precision and uniformity of industrial production. To match the multiple applications of modern DJs the VNL has 3 different stylus available with suspension types of varying feel and rigidity: VNL I compliance dynamic lateral 16 mm N - Flexible VNL II compliance dynamic lateral 15 mm N - RigidĀ VNL III compliance dynamic lateral 14 mm N - Firm DJs can easily identify which stylus type best suits their individual DJ style and enables their absolute best performance capability. The VNL Standard includes stylus II with the others available as spares. The VNL features a spherical stylus which is perfect for tough groove handling. Furthermore it reduces record wear when scratching and back-cueing to an absolute minimum. The broad stance of the VNL features solid and robust design elements characteristic to Ortofon with colors meticulously selected to emphasize sturdiness and DJ aesthetics: the cartridge body has been designed to provide easy mounting and alignment on a variety of headshells. The VNL provides excellent compatibility when used in an assortment of playback systems ensuring it stays in the groove under the most demanding conditions.
Ortofon Ortofon VNL I replacement stylus
A spherical stylus with a flexible feel for all round DJ use. Replacement stylus for the Ortofon VNL Cartridge. Ā
Ortofon Ortofon VNL II replacement stylus
A spherical stylus with a rigid feel for both general and scratch DJs. Replacement stylus for the Ortofon VNL Cartridge. Ā