The RGB Power Batten contains 240 RGB LEDs divided into 8 segments. Onboard features include colour mixing to create soft washes from its rich colour palette and chase programs controlled in auto mode or activated by music. Several different chase programs are included and can be selected by the control panel along with brightness and speed. 240 x 10mm LEDs (R: 96 G: 72 B: 72) 240 x 10mm LEDs (R: 96 G: 72 B: 72) Beam angle: 30741 Lux 2m 0-100% dimming and variable strobe DMX channels: 234714 or 26 selectable Sound active auto and masterslave modes Bracket allows for multiple rigging or floor standing applications 4 push button menu with LED display IEC power inputoutput 3-Pin XLR inputoutput Convection cooled