Crown XTi 2 1002 1000W amplifier with Peak Plus Limiters Enhanced Sub-harmonic Synth for system specific tuning updated HiQnet Band Manager and System Architect control software. Crown XTi 2 1002 Input EQ: 6 parametric filters per channel with adjustable Q Ā15 dB boostcut. Also adjustable high and low shelving filters. This 8-filter EQ section can be bypassed. Crossover Filters: Highpass and Lowpass per channel. Butterworth 6121824 dB per octave. Linkwitz-Riley 2448 dB per Octave. Also includes Ā 15 dB bandpass gain and polarity control. Output EQ: 8 parametric filters per channel with adjustable Q Ā15 dB boostcut. This 8-filter EQ section can be bypassed. Crown XTi 2 1002 SubHarmonic Synth: takes the low-frequency content of the input signal and "synthesizes" a new signal that is the same as the input signal but one octave lower. The new synthesized signal is then mixed with the original signal to create the effect. Users now have control over frequency gain and filter type. Peakx Plus Limiter: User defeatable limiter that allows users to control Threshold Attack and Release times.